There is Never “Nothing You Can Do”

I have had several conversations this week in which the belief in helplessness or hopelessness was prominent. Those two beliefs often go together.  It’s hard to say which one comes first. Ultimately it doesn’t matter.  

I don’t believe either one is necessary or inevitable.  If you are feeling one or both of those right now, I want you to know it can be changed. Your situation can be altered.  First, we change the belief. Then we change our actions.  Then we change our situation. 

The people I coach or counsel, and people I have regular discussions with (including the man I see in the mirror) hear me say the following statement often.

There’s never “nothing” you can do.  

I realize that the statement isn’t grammatically correct.  I could just say, “You can always do something.”  But I like the original phrase because it hits the heart of what I often hear. “Mark, there is nothing I can do.”  

In any situation, there are two elements – you and the circumstances. Your situation is a combination of both of those elements.  In most cases, the sense of helplessness and hopelessness results from focusing on the circumstances alone. Some circumstances cannot be changed on a macro level.  There are things that only a miracle could change, and I can’t work miracles.  Neither can you.  Miracles by definition are rare.  But hope remains.

The one thing in any situation that you can change is yourself.  I will call this the micro level but don’t underestimate its power.  If your situation is a combination of you plus your circumstance, and you change, you have effectively altered your situation because you are different.  Even if your circumstances remain the same, you have changed an ingredient.  Yourself.

Many stories in history, the Bible, and contemporary events illustrate the power of what I am saying.  It does work.  There is always something you can do because you can always change you. 

A difficult circumstance, faced with a negative attitude and outlook will produce a miserable situation. The same difficult circumstance, faced with a positive and hopeful attitude will produce a less miserable situation.  Wouldn’t it be nice to be a little less miserable?

Let me just point out something that many people have found true.  When you change your attitude and perspective, you often find ways to change the circumstances.  You will see solutions that were hidden from you previously. You may find opportunities in the difficulty you are presented with.  Even if nothing in your circumstance changes, which is unlikely, you will be in a different situation.  You will see that you are not helpless.  There is hope.  Maybe you can’t change everything, but you can change something.  Maybe you can’t do all that want to do, but you can do more than “nothing.”

There is never “nothing you can do.” 

I haven’t gone into detail here about how to do this.  I’m happy to help people figure it out.  But, until you believe in the possibility, you will remain stuck.  I’m just trying to let a little light into your cell. Do not despair. There is always hope. 


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